Food Action

Wild Mushrooms


Sustainably sourced from Serbia, our wild mushrooms thrive in carefully tended forests, preserving biodiversity. Pamin, a family-run business, prioritizes environmental and community impact, ensuring our mushrooms are not just delicious but also good for the planet.

Viking Platter

Viking Platter

  • Rare to find in elsewhere vegetables, mushrooms provide a valuable source of vitamin D.
  • Betaglucans in mushrooms appear to boost immunity and help the resistance against allergies.
  • Mushrooms are valuable health food, low in calories, high in vegetable proteins, iron, zinc, chitin, chiton, fibre, vitamins and minerals.
Viking platter Porcini Sliced

Viking Platter Wild Porcini Sliced

Boletus edulis VPPS.40 20×40 g (800 g Net)
por sliced

Viking platter Porcini Chopped

Viking Platter Wild Porcini Chopped

Boletus edulis

VPPC.40 20×40 g (800 g Net)

por chopped

Viking platter Pochini & Oyster Mix

Viking Platter Wild Porcini And Oyster Sliced

Boletus edulis VPWO.40 20×40 g (800 g Net)
por oyster mix

Viking platter Forest Mix

Viking Plater Wild Forest Mix

Boletus edulis, Cantharellus, Cibarius, Craterellus cornucopioides. VPWF.30 20×30 g (600 g Net)
forest mix

Viking platter Chanterelle

Viking Plater Wild Chantarelle

Cantharellus, Cibarius

VPWC.30 20×20 g (600 g Net)



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