Food Action


Viking Platter Swedish Kaviar (yes with a ‘K’!) are made by top brand Marenor, owned by the Insula Group which operates several ultra-modern facilities in Norway and Sweden. All their products are sourced from sustainable fish species and stocks.

Seafood spreads add a luxurious touch to the table, whether for a festive occasion or indulgent weekend meal. Deck out holiday smorgasbords with open-faced sandwiches topped with cod roe crème, also known as Swedish kaviar. 

Viking Platter

Viking Platter

Rich in Omega-3, each portion of Viking Platter fish spread is a sustainable and delicious alternative to fish oil capsules. Cod roe is replete with B Complex vitamins.
12. Kaviar

Viking Platter Cod Roe Crème Tarama

Sugar salted fish roe 50%, Cod, Saithe, canola oil, sugar water, potato flakes, tomato puree, salt, preservatives, antioxidant, ascorbic acid. VPSK.150 18×150 g (2.7 kg NET)


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